Tuesday, August 09, 2005

you passed me by

you passed me by
If at that moment
You had not turned
But I instead had run to you
Maybe everything would've been fine.
Then I could say,
"Everything is gonna be alright."
But I let that chance slip by
And all I can utter is


You know you need that
Lonely moment just to
Vanish from the
Insane world
Alone, you can just FLY.

fly up

High into the sky.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Summer Smile :)
It's already Summer!
And it's only in Summer Time
I can see your smile, ever-ready
to embrace me. The two eyes shining
With excitement - you've come for your
special holiday! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
if summer was here to stay, your smile would too
rid yourself of that singlet and don the yukata,
walk with me at the beach - what an odd combi!
Remove that golden pendant, gold isn't needed
Here. . Hold my hand now, under that hot sun
But I give a sneeze , and. you laugh gently .
Your laughter, so musical To my ears. yep.
It's summer time. I will know it. yes.
Because you're here. Notice that
When this poem Ends, you'll see
It forms into a


Guess, What Do You See?
You should catch the summer time
Already, it is half gone.
Many times we sat at the beach
Are? Don't you think of anything else? Then...
Please think of our warm silence, engulfed
In that soft moment, taken by the view

We don't have to pass ketai messages
A recollection of memories, I was

So afraid and yet dying to catch your eye
U only knew how to smile shyly
Kross that boundary now, we made the move
In this poem, what do you see?


Summer in Insanity>
It's really summer.
But it only means
You're having to be away
You only come home
to a
And we utter rubbish
the whole day long
As rubbish-y as
This poem.

We're just drowned in insanity.