Sunday, May 22, 2005

Quiet Rain

That lullaby plays
I sit quietly with my notes
Gazed out the window, I did
And the brilliant blue that was there
before, now faded to a pale grey.

Right before the storm begins.
And the leaves shook a little
Then more violently

Torn from her brothers and sisters
The green teardrop fluttered to the floor.
I watched it.

And at that moment I stood up
Leaving that warm seat

Venturing into some unknown corner.


each stanza gets shorter and shorter, because it signifies I must learn to be alone/independent as time goes by...

The Music Box in the Rain

and in that silent rain
he came
I heard the music box play
as it fell from the tabletop
its innocent poece resounding in my head

i did not shiver
i could not
as his steps widened
i did not retract
but held my ground Expressionless

a note was missed
but the music just replayed
Round and Round
it went
but the music was already imperfect

WHO brought me out of the misery,
made me smile
gave me hope
embraced me
and YET deceived me?

OR was it me who
Deceived myself, veiled
away, without a try
to Push back the curtains
Wallowing in my dead misery

the rain poured on.
You still radiate warmth
I gently picked up the music box.
Closed it.
But the tune POUNDED in my heart.

Suki desu.


This poem was inspired by my fanfic, 'Long Silence' haha....